Saturday, 22 December 2007

Marketing Scams Capitalise On Your Personality Type

Are you sceptical by nature? Do you believe anything someone will tell you – as long as they are willing to put it in writing? Do you read your junk mail before tossing it out? No matter how you answer any of these questions, you are fair game for one or more marketing network scams currently in circulation on the Internet or via ads through magazines. As a matter of fact, marketing network scams capitalize on your personality type to such an extent that there is not one kind of personality that is safe from being taken in by a smooth talker or good looking opportunity. Even being poor and not having any money to spend on a business opportunity will not protect you, since scam artists have found ways to talk the unsuspecting out of money they did not even have to spend!

Interestingly, if you have an analytical mind, you are at the greatest risk of being taken in! While this may appear to be an oxymoron, the facts show that those who analyze information are also those who are compelled by their very nature to do just that – analyze information that is given to them. Thus, a savvy scam artist will present marketing network scams that contain a lot of detailed information and are ready to answer all questions. By appearing to be more knowledgeable than the analytical person who is going over every possible angle of the presentation, they are gaining the consumer’s trust and eventually wring a sale for an inferior product from them or in the alternative get a buy-in for a questionable business opportunity. Knowing full well that an analytical person cannot be pushed, the scam artist will pretend to have integrity and wait rather than pitch, follow up rather than pressure – and this is how the consumer gets hooked.

Sometimes mistaken for being analytical is the conflict avoider. This individual will gladly read anything given to them because they do not want to say no. They will chat with the scam artist because they do not want to seem rude. This is where the weakness comes in: marketing network scams rely on such a person’s inability to say an outright no and thus the scam artist will present an opportunity that is so good that the conflict avoider will be able to rationalize saying yes. If you find yourself in such a position, your only way out is to refuse any and all contact with a scam artist and instead ask anyone calling you to send things in writing.

Perhaps the most unlikely victim – in their own eyes – yet one of the most frequently scammed is the business minded powerhouse. You will recognize them by their intelligence, knowledge of the market and its foibles, conversant on a number of subjects, and able to spot a fake a mile away. Yet in their very security and self confidence lies their greatest weakness: the unwillingness to recognize that they can be taken by marketing network scams quickly and easily! As a matter of fact, scam artists find that these individuals are the easiest to con since they only require the scam artist to be a better talker, analyst of facts, and purveyor of reasons why the opportunity is great than the individual being scammed being able to do the opposite. Almost like a chess match, the one with the most arguments left on the board wins.

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Thursday, 20 December 2007

Marketing MLM Network Training Materials

There is no shortage of websites marketing MLM network training materials on the Internet. As a matter of fact, it appears as though an entire cottage industry has sprung up around the network marketing business. The product at hand is the ubiquitous e-book or online training course that seeks to make current network marketers into more successful, profitable, and confident sellers. Similarly, this same market has a wide appeal to the fledgling network marketer who understands that a lot must be learned about marketing in general and the business of network marketing in particular in order to make it in this highly competitive field.

If you are in the field of marketing MLM network training materials you will find that you have a lot of company, some of which is laughably inept while the overwhelming majority seems to have majored in online marketing! Competing with this multitude of available material makes it challenging to have your product stand out, and it is not surprising to see many training materials advertised with seemingly impossible claims.

You know the outlandish claims that are being made; usually they revolve around some secret to online marketing that nobody but the purveyor of the material knows; in other cases the gimmick is a giveaway of things, such as free lead generating software or lead tracking software. Even as these approaches work well and will get unsuspecting marketers to part with their hard earned money, the odds are stacked against there ever being any repeat business or even word of mouth referral traffic. Since you are in business to stay in business, shady dealings and letdowns of your unsuspecting customers will be far from your mind.

Marketing MLM network training materials that are on the up and up is actually easier than you think! Here are some tips:

* Offer solid advice. Do not include common knowledge items but instead focus on strategy, tried and true methodology, and provide optional career counselling after the e-book sale.

* Take an interest in your clients. If one of them goes on to become a successful work from home entrepreneur, you want to know about it because it makes for some great advertising slogans!

* Find free items to give away. This could be software, e-books, and other goods that cost little or nothing and which may be downloaded via the computer. They are a great motivator to have visitors purchase your e-book.

* Do not promise the blue off the sky but instead set realistic goals that your clients can reach. Do not tell a potential customer that they will learn how to make money while they sleep, but instead promise that they will have a solid understanding of residual income which continues to accumulate even when they are away from the computer. Trust them to put two and two together!

* Last but not least, offer a money back guarantee. If a client is unhappy do not argue and fight and instead use the criticism offered to either adjust your product or marketing campaign.

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Wednesday, 19 December 2007

Presenting Your Home Network Marketing Opportunity To A Large Audience

Making the presentation of your work from home network marketing opportunity work for a large audience is always a bit of a challenge for the average network marketer. Primed by the business’ nature to focus online on the generation of leads via the Internet, the individual is quite frequently woefully untrained in addressing a room filled with potential leads. Able to compose compelling emails, draft print ads that will generate a larger than average response, and having an intricate understanding of the advantages a product offers to the user as well as the seller, this same network marketer will not have what it takes to duplicate this kind of success in front of a live audience.

Even as the reasons may vary, making the presentation of your work from home network marketing opportunity work for a large audience starts with a few well defined steps anyone can take.

* Credibility is the determining factor of any presentation both online and off line. While online you can fake the reasons for having credibility attached to you to a certain extent, off line you do not have this luxury. The only way to develop the kind of off line credibility that will make your presentation palatable to a large audience is born from authority, which comes from product and subject matter knowledge combined with personal experience. If you lack credibility and will not be able to develop it within a short period of time, off line presentations should not be the kinds of marketing tools you choose to utilize.

* Making your presentation of a work from home network marketing opportunity work also requires you to understand who your audience is and make that knowledge work for you. Thus, a presentation geared to a room full of stay-at-home moms needs to be composed differently than one that is aimed at a room full of boisterous freshmen college students.

* You must use the industry language without lapsing into jargon. While it is good to use terms like “return on investment,” simply referring to it as the ROI without any further explanation will deter you from tailoring your online presentation to an offline face to face opportunity.

* Last but not least, making the presentation of your work from home network marketing opportunity work for a large audience requires a show of confidence. Confidence, just like credibility, is something that must come from within but unlike credibility, it is not achievable with book knowledge. Instead, it is closely related to your comfort level. Granted, most anyone will be uncomfortable speaking in front of a large group, but this anxiety can be overcome by a person who is at home with the subject matter. A mistake made by many a fledgling network marketer is the scheduling of off line presentations too early on in their career as a marketer, usually before they have made some mistakes, learned from them, moved on, and became more confident in the field as a result of that very mistake made or obstacle overcome.

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Tuesday, 18 December 2007

Trying Not To Fall For The Search Engine Myth

If you would believe the avid purveyors of Internet marketing secrets, the Rosetta stone of online business success rises and falls with the search engine ranking. Entire e-books have been written around the topic of setting up a top ranking website, keeping it up to date, and maintaining its top ranking no matter which way the market turns. Webmasters spend entire nights working around the clock on that last little tweak and will spend good money to have third parties look over their sites and nitpick it into the ground. Making the most of your marketing network today without falling for the search engine myth seems to be next to impossible – or is it?

Those how have been in the business for a while will most likely sagely nod their heads and reminisce about the times that they stayed up for a number of days in order to build a website to the specifications of the day. Yet what the savvy marketers learned, those who weathered the storms and did not quit when the going got tough but instead got going, very simply showcased that there is more to marketing than the gimmicky website and its search engine ranking. Do not misunderstand! If you have a website, and for your marketing network today you will most certainly need to have one, it should be built to reflect the tastes of those who will most likely visit it, constructed to such a degree that search engines will automatically propel it toward the tops of the rankings, and highly informative so that the consumer who is taking a look at what you have to offer will find the answer they are looking for. Yet the deeper truth the experienced network marketer will want you to know is the fact that a high ranking website alone will not make or break your business.

Making the most of your marketing network today without falling for the search engine myth requires you to take a step back and recall the lessons of old that counseled against putting all your eggs in one basket. Much like that adage, putting all your time, money and effort into a high search engine ranking will not net you the results you are looking for. Customer relationship management, off line advertising, repeat marketing, and a firm eye on the return on investment strategies you are utilizing all play an important role in your business’ ultimate success or demise.

Thus, it is not any one aspect that propels your business into success or dooms it to failure, but instead it is a careful concerted action of a plethora of methods which must create a harmony that appeals to the consumers at large. You will reach some, many in fact, with your website; yet you will also reach a large number with direct mailings; others are influenced by ads placed in the Sunday paper while still others will benefit from the sales presentations you might make at the park on Sundays. Discard any one of these marketing aspects, and you will harm your business.

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Monday, 17 December 2007

Making the Most of Your First Marketing Network Year

The first marketing network year as a brand new network marketer will make or break your business. Make no mistake, there are plenty of marketers who will dabble in one multi level marketing (MLM) scheme or another for the duration of years or even decades, but the actual success or failure is determined during that crucial first year. Unlike any other type of business, MLM relies heavily on hitting the floor running rather than taking the old adage to heart that slow and steady will win the race. As a matter of fact, making the most of your first marketing network year will not only establish your success or failure in the particular venture you are engaged, in but instead it will foreshadow success or failure for the future as well!

To start off your first marketing network year in the right direction, take a bit of time to set goals. Granted, this is not one of those go there and do it bits of advice, but if you take the time to put in writing what you want to get done tomorrow, which achievements you wish to see by the end of the week, where you want to be a month from today, and where a year from today will find you, the odds are good that you will have a far shot at attaining those goals. After all, if your goal is to be $50,000 richer in 365 days, you will want to break down this goal into smaller, reachable goals you can shoot for! Failure to set goals will leave you 364 days from now betting the farm on the scratch and win ticket.

Probably the first goal dealing with your first marketing network year success will rest on your success in sales. No matter what the product is you are going to present to the public at large, the only way to succinctly and authoritatively speak on the item is to be using it yourself! Knowing the product’s strengths and weaknesses will go a long ways to winning customers and providing great customer service while at the same time learning to overcome consumer objections. For example, if you will be selling a wellness product such as a vitamin drink but it does not really taste all that great, you will be able to overcome that objection if you can honestly attest to the fact that sticking with the drink regimen for five days will give the consumer a lot more energy that she or he knows what to do with! Yet you can only actively sell this line of product with conviction if you indeed use it and are aware of the bad taste as well as the amazing properties it will showcase within five days!

Last but not least, to truly make that first marketing network year a sound success, spend a lot of time with your up line sponsors and mentors. A lot of newbies fall into the down line trap and immediately set to starting their own down line, missing the skills and knowledge needed to adequately recruit, train, and then tend to their down line. By spending a lot of time listening to and learning from your up line, however, you will get tipped off not only where to find the most qualified down line candidates but also learn the nuts and bolts of the business, which you can then pass on!

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Sunday, 16 December 2007

Making Money With A Network Marketing Affiliate Program

Even the most novice network marketing newbie can attest to the fact that the Internet is a marketing goldmine. There is no other venue that has the power and potential to reach so many different segments of the world populations all on the same day as a properly worded, well disseminated ad campaign. Is it therefore any surprise that so many marketers are trying to make money with a network marketing affiliate program?

While making money with a network marketing affiliate program is a wonderful solution for the ‘Net savvy, be mindful of a few simple truths before you go out and seek to joint the fray. First and foremost, a probable and workable marketing strategy needs to be devised. There is no magic bullet when it comes to Internet marketing; instead, a campaign that works relies on the designer’s ability to understand and utilize current industry standards and consumer buying trends.

In the 1980s, for example, all things hi-tech were in high fashion. This was the time to appeal to the consumer’s need for the latest techno gadget known to man. Today, environmentalism is the current rage, and you will do well to capitalize on this change in consumer consciousness if you hold out any hopes of making money with any network marketing affiliate program. Thus, picking suitable affiliate programs is just as important as presenting them in a currently in style fashion.

Of course, the second step to making money with a network marketing affiliate program is the utilization of a well designed and highly competitive medium: the website. If you thought before that a lot was written about marketing on the ‘Net, you will be amazed at the sheer mass of information is available on website design, optimization, and various other peripheral ideas related to having a website that works. It is the wise network marketing affiliate who will pay close attention and follow the advice given by successful network marketers everywhere that in the end will succeed in making money with the affiliate program. After all, “build it and they will come” may pertain to baseball fields, but it has yet to find an application with respect to websites.

A final word on website promotion: in order to make money with a network marketing affiliate program you need to get visitors to your website. While online promotion is a most worthy and important part of the package, it is the off line promotion that yields the highest potential for qualified leads. Consider the fact that your website placed prominently on a flyer may become part of someone’s address book simply because your postcard is appealing and because you gripped their attention to such an extent that they want to take a look later, whenever later may be, yet in the meantime they are holding on to your card. In time, your card may get shared with a number of other interested prospects. Over time, this little off line advertisement investment will yield many times the results that a strictly online campaign could possibly hope to bring.

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Saturday, 15 December 2007

Making It past Your First Year in Network Marketing

Marriages and multi level marketing (MLM) business opportunities, or network marketing in general, have one thing in common: the first year is by far the toughest. The majority of fledgling network marketers fail during their first year in business, and if you believe the divorce statistics in modern day America, newlyweds do not fare much better. Making it past your first year in network marketing takes gumption, dedication, the ability to hold up under scrutiny and not buckle when faced with rejection; yet more than anything else, it requires a most valued and important skill for which no course or e-book laden with online marketing secrets can prepare you: the skill of schmoozing.

You probably have that friend who seems to know everybody. It does not matter if you go to the movies, the flea market, or a restaurant, there is always somebody who is nodding, waving, or stopping by just to greet your friend. He or she gets in conversations with complete strangers, and he is the one who can crack a joke in the long line at the bank on payday and have everyone chuckle. The florist will offer her a little flower for her button hole and the baker might offer a sample of the almond croissant. Even though your friend is not flirting, she or he seems to be on everyone’s good side the moment they lay eyes on each other.

You, on the other hand, can run errands all day long and not really make contact with anyone outside that which is required by polite behavior. Nobody offers you any samples, and small children might be throwing their food at you. The odds are good that instead of receiving a flower for your button hole, you trip over the display and end up paying for it. Perhaps you are introverted and simply lack a few people skills, or maybe you have a truly abrasive personality and need a bit of a makeover in that department. For the sake of your business you might have decided to join the local Chamber of Commerce or attended business mixers, but somehow you are still the odd person out.

No matter what the case is, making it past your first year in network marketing will require you to schmooze. It is not a skill you can learn if you completely lack the talent. On the other hand, if you have the talent but thus far it has remained dormant or quite possibly you have not honed it to the extent necessary, you have a good chance of making it past that all important milestone in the existence of your business. Do not deceive yourself, however, if you lack the inborn talent that is schmoozing, you will not succeed in network marketing.

A potential exception is a strictly online business where no personal contact is required and each and every transaction is conducted via email or website. In that kind of situation there is a good chance that you can get away with some learned schmoozing skills that would not hold up in the real world.

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Friday, 14 December 2007

Becoming A Skilled Presenter In the Network Marketing Industry

Business meetings are the surefire venue of reaching a large number of potentially interested individuals who may either become customers for your product or possible candidates for your down line – if you are in network marketing. Of course, to truly be profiting from a business meeting and to be making it in the network marketing industry by becoming a skilled presenter, it is vital that not only you understand the concepts of skilled material presentation but know how to apply them.

The network marketing industry generally classifies each and every contact as either a potential customer or a potential distributor, yet in an interesting quirk germane to the business, many an individual is both. Conversely, during a marketing presentation there are also a fair number of individuals who will choose to do neither. Addressing dual business concepts while being unable to identify which member of the audience may be gravitating toward which aspect is a tricky platform to work from.

Yet with a few sound bites of advice, you too will have the potential for making it in the network marketing industry by becoming a skilled presenter!

* Understand that you need to take charge of the meeting before the first interested individual sets foot inside the room. The look and feel of the room will play a vital role in the consumers’ ability to have faith in you. Stay away from cheap hotels that have generic meeting rooms with peeling paint and black circles around the cottage cheese ceiling air vents. Instead, rent a small meeting room at an upscale hotel room, private facility, or simply get a permit for a meeting at a park. Keep an eye on the factors you can control, such as the air conditioning being too high or low, the lights too bright or too low, and whatever other aspect that makes a room conducive to a meeting.

* Be clear about what you are trying to convey. Are you looking for customers or distributors? Are you thinking of walking that fine line that will allow you to make a dual presentation? Start out your presentations by sharing your goals for the presentation and then work backwards. This will ensure that every participant is on the same page with you.

* Make the most of your personality. If you are naturally exuberant, learn how to tone it down just a bit to draw in the folks who are by nature more reserved. Conversely, if you are the more reserved type, you need to learn to get out of your comfort zone a bit and become more animated. Remember that you want to reach a group of people who may be vastly different from you, but if you do not stretch and offer a little something to everyone, you will most likely only appeal to those who are the most alike to you in nature and temper.

The network marketing industry relies heavily on your ability to present yourself, the company and the product. Continuously honing your presentation skills is vital, yet instead of reading books and gaining theoretical knowledge, go ahead and visit the presentations of successful presenters to see how it’s done live and in person!

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Tuesday, 11 December 2007

Marketing Network Solutions

Marketing is an art that combines the dance of the offer and the sale, with the science of ascertaining a client’s needs and wants, not necessarily in that order, without having to ask the question. As a marketer it is your goal to provide your client with the solution to a perceived need, real or imagined, and sell her or him on the idea that only you, your business, or by extension your website will be able to adequately meet the need. Does this sound cold? Perhaps so, but this makes the reality of marketing no less compelling to the savvy individual. Similarly, it will not dissuade a client from doing business with you.

To make Internet money marketing network solutions you will first need to understanding what kind of network solutions you may offer. Computer users are always on the lookout for that bit of code that will make the machines run faster or more efficiently while at the same time protecting them from viruses or hacker attacks. Similarly, those using databases always look for the software that is more germane to their actual business rather than broadly applicable as the usual database software that comes as part of a bigger package. Therefore anyone wanting to market network solutions will do well to address the needs of a niche rather than the wants of the market as a whole.

Understanding the concept of Internet money may be a little harder to grasp. Many a company has an advertising budget which also includes marketing their product online. In the same way, many a company has a hardware and software budget, that to a certain extent also includes Internet related aspects such as service contracts, subscriptions, and even the standing order of toner that is done via the ‘Net every 60 days. This kind of money is considered Internet money because it is either spent on something purchased on the Internet, via the ‘Net, or for the company’s ‘Net presence.

To make Internet money marketing network solutions you need to find out where your potential clients’ Internet money is spent and then offer to provide the same or a similar service. In essence the goal is for the client to transfer the money that was paid to vendor A to you instead and have you take over as vendor A’s substitute. This is easier said than done if you do not know your way around the network solutions business. Those who are computer savvy, however, and who know how to cultivate the right contacts and contracts in order to operate for a business in lieu of vendor A, even if it means outsourcing the job or service at a lesser price that will still allow you to make a healthy profit on the deal, will find that there is no limit to the profitability that may be found in this business.

If you are still unsure of the entire business concept, consider the term “reseller” and you will come to understand how – even without an inventory or a specific IT skill set – you can make Internet money marketing network solutions.

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Monday, 10 December 2007

Stop Your Site From Being Blacklisted By Search Engines

Which Internet marketer has not heard the horror stories of the multi level marketing (MLM) newbie who struck out for her- or himself without much help from an up line and probably also by disregarding each and every ounce of good advice offered by many a website and tutorial and instead built a website advertising the product or service for sale? Yet to the fledgling marketer’s surprise, no hits are being registered and in spite of tweaking and pruning the site every which way from Sunday, the traffic is still only trickling in, most of it being accidental rather than targeted. The sad reality is simple: unbeknownst to the new network marketer, the lovingly crafted site she or he spent so much time working on was blacklisted! Do not let search engines blacklist your network marketing product site!

Granted, the fledgling marketer from the example above probably was not quite as pure as the driven snow and instead may have engaged, wittingly or unwittingly, in some rather shady online practices which most major search engines will view as an immediate reason to blacklist the site. Here are some examples:

* Perhaps the most egregious offence is the use of irrelevant keywords within the website’s meta tags or even within the body of the site just to generate more hits. Thus, if you are working on promoting a network marketing product related to wellness, the inclusion of several highly searched key terms, such as cancer, heart attack, stroke, and various other ailments will get you blacklisted, especially if the wellness product is not at all tangentially related to any of these conditions.

* Submitting a website manually or automatically time and again to the same search engine is considered spamming. In the past it was done to ensure a higher ranking of the site, but with the modernization of the process, search engines are very sensitive to being spammed. Do it one too many times and your site will no longer be included in the search results.

* Beware the lure of the mirror site. Once again, this methodology is a blast from the past when it was thought to guarantee a higher ranking within the search engine’s ranking hierarchy. Yet with the advent of optimization procedures, mirror sites are considered to be a relic of the past and those who continue to utilize the technology that in the past allowed them to submit the exactly identical site with a different URL to a search engine will find that neither web address will be accepted.

There are a number of other tips, tricks, and schemes employed by those who design websites for their network marketing product. Do not fall for the lure of easy rankings at the expense of the integrity of your site. It is not just the search engine robots that catch on to your shenanigans, but it is also a more and more technologically astute populace that will realize your ploy and thus you will instantly lose a massive dose of credibility. This, in the Internet marketing business, is the death knell which must be avoided at all costs!

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Sunday, 9 December 2007

Learning From Network Marketing Presentations

You are quite possibly the kind of qualified lead the average network marketer dreams of: willing to hear about a business opportunity, interested by a product, perhaps already reading the glossy brochures provided – and doing all of this while waiting for the presentation about the product and company to begin! As an audience member, you are the target of the presenter; as a lead, you are the one member of the audience to whom the presenter will pay the most attention, and whose questions she or he will seek to answer decisively and unequivocally. Interestingly, this also puts you in the unique position to adequately gauge if the presenter is doing their job well, or if the presentation leaves something to be desired.

Obviously, if you are interested in the product and business opportunity, and if you are enough of a self starter to come prepared with questions and comments stemming from research you already did prior to attending the live sales presentation, it matters little if the presenter is skilled or stinks, but it places you in the enviable position of learning from a disastrous presentation of a top network marketing company representative. In many ways you could consider this your first lesson in network marketing and the art of avoiding failure in public venues.

The reasons why some top network marketing company presentations are horridly bungled usually may be found in the person of the presenter rather than in the company provided training. She or he may fail to engage the audiences from the get go. Conversely, the personality of the presenter may be entirely unsuited to public speaking and instead of having prepared to overcome this obstacle, the presenter may have refused to embrace the limitation, instead seeking to shrug it off by either raising the voice and speaking more loudly than necessary, or by regurgitating – albeit from memory – the content of the sales brochure. Both are disastrous and should be avoided at all costs.

If you are not a qualified lead but instead perhaps part of the presenter’s up line, it is your responsibility to take note of the deficiencies you cannot help but see. Generally speaking, learning from a disastrous presentation of a top network marketing company representative does not involve a lack of product knowledge, but instead may be simply a collection of mannerisms that, when put together, are extremely off-putting. Jot down clues, such as body language, an overuse of gestures or conversely noticeable lacks thereof, signs of nervousness, a failure to engage each member of the audience, or the inability to use the material provided in the training brochure and make it her or his own. After all, consumers and potential distributors alike are turned off quickly when faced with someone who is obviously operating from the comfort of a script, even if the piece of paper is not visible or committed to memory. Help the member of your down line to learn from the mistakes made, but do it gently so as not discourage her or him, and by giving very specific suggestions that will spell success at subsequent sales presentations.

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Saturday, 8 December 2007

MLM Marketing Network Business Presentations

Any network marketer worth their keep will want to see the network grow by leaps and bounds but in so doing, the individual understands that only a team player approach will facilitate the goal. Working closely in concert with the up line of which you are a part, you must understand the direction in which those ahead of you are taking the business overall, and thus you will know which springboard to use in order to present your corner of the market. Forget the notion about the marketing maverick that swims against the stream and ends up owning the company. This is the kind of fodder that might have made great the movies which play on the “from mail room to board room” advancement of the little guy, but in real life these situations are not doable.

That said, you will do well to retain your individuality and make use of your one of a kind ability when pursuing effective lead generation, MLM, marketing network business presentations, or even just when you are manning the sample stand at the local mall. There is something about you as a person that will draw individuals to you and the business you are representing which is unique to your personality and you will be wise to learn for yourself what it is that draws people and then use it to your best advantage. Yet even as you make the most of your animal magnetism or open kindness that draws in virtual strangers to stop and talk to you, honing some tried and true presentation skills is still part and parcel of the entire package and the odds of your succeeding in either lead generation MLM, marketing network business presentations or any other kind of venture without it are slim.

To this end, a much overlooked aspect of the presentation is the ability to adequately convey a purpose. Why are you standing at the mall handing out samples? Obviously, you are most likely doing it because someone asked you to, but aside from that fact, as an entrepreneur involved in lead generation MLM, and marketing network business building, why are you in front of the general public with your product? Having the ability to answer this question succinctly and completely is the key to successfully and effectively make it in this line of work.

Identifying the desired outcome of your presentation, honing in on the effect you are attempting to create, and knowing ahead of time which kinds of emotions you want to evoke in your customers or potential leads is the most vital and yet at the same time most commonly neglected aspect of any product or business opportunity presentation. Leads will only be generated if you appeal to something deep within the mind or heart of each individual audience member that will compel the person to see you - and by extension the product and company you are representing – as the answer to a need they may not have had a chance to put a finger on. The one and only way to achieve this admittedly lofty goal is to find the emotional appeal of your product or business opportunity and then follow it up with the intellectual appeal. This, in a nutshell is the secret to effective lead generation MLM, marketing network business presentations, and all related activities.

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Friday, 7 December 2007

Ways To Generate More Leads

In order to increase the amount of people who use your link when placing an order through a company's website, you need to generate leads, which can make it easier to sell products. Leads are usually email addresses gathered from your website when people sign up for free gifts or to receive your newsletter to email lists that you purchase from other sources. Either way, these leads can be very powerful in generating new customers and increasing your profits. When you want to gather more leads, there are many ways to do this which include starting a viral marketing campaign, using social networking sites, and through word-of-mouth.

Even though you should create an email list and encourage people to sign up to receive email and other items from time to time, you can also generate more leads by creating a short eBook or newsletter and including your link on it so customers will be able to purchase products easily. Allowing other people to use your eBook freely without charging for it is another way to increase its circulation and increase your commissions. Viral marketing campaigns have become more popular over the years because they can spread so quickly from one email account to another. Taking the time to write an informative eBook on a topic related to the goods and services you are promoting is a great way to increase interest in the company and increase your commissions.

In addition to creating an eBook, another way to increase leads for your MLM business is by joining social networking sites and encouraging people to join your friends’ list. You can send messages, promote your products through blogs, and join forums that allow you to post links to your website and profile page. By including your link to the company site, customers can easily purchase items. There are many social networking groups to join depending on the group you are trying to market to. Make sure that you follow all the guidelines on the site so your content isn't banned or considered spam.

Word-of-mouth advertising is still the most powerful way to advertise goods and services online and off. You can advertise your business in local newspapers, host parties, and conduct many other marketing tactics that will generate interest. Once people begin buying from your site, you will see an increase in return customers. This means more commissions each month. By taking the time to know the group you are marketing to, you will be able to sell more products in less time.

Generating leads for your MLM business should be an ongoing pursuit if you want to see commissions rolling in each month. When you want to promote a product, you have many different methods of doing so that will be profitable. Before paying for email lists, try to create your own. This is much less expensive and will be much more profitable in the long run. Using other methods mentioned above are also more cost effective and reliable when marketing your business.

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Thursday, 6 December 2007

Is There Really A Best Home Business Opportunity?

One of the top questions people have when looking for a home business opportunity is whether any of them are really any better than the others or are they all about the same. That question however, is not that easy to answer as there are many variables that go into what makes a home business successful. In reality, there are two types of home businesses that have to be reviewed. First, there are those are legitimate ones and those that are only after your money.

The internet, as well as many magazine ads are fraught with offers for home business opportunities and there are a few signs that may indicate what they are offering is not always going to pass legal muster. Large upfront membership fees for which there is little to indicate what the benefits are to holding a membership. Businesses that require a business operator to pay for a product in order to be eligible for commission payments on sales and a lack of personal contact information are just a few of the red flags to be cautious of in looking at a home business opportunity.

Once all the legitimate businesses have been identified, there are a couple of variables that you have direct control over. It is not secret in any type of business that the more a person puts into it, the more they can expect out of it. In other words, the harder you work, the more return you will see on your investment of either money or seat equity. The type of product and service being offered will also have a significant impact on your ability to be a success.

For example, a business selling ice cubes in the Arctic Circle may not fare as well as one selling the same ice cubes on the equator. The product being sold must have a local market and some of the best home business opportunities deal in consumable products, that is products that people will need to replenish as they are used. Selling cemetery plots for instance, may generate a few sales, but most people will have no use for more than one and expecting a long-term income may be foolhardy.

Additionally, companies that offer multiple layers of distributors a piece of the commission on any sales have to price their products high enough to keep everyone in the supply chain happy. This can be an indication the product is overpriced or of inferior quality and sales may be extremely hard to come by.

In order to judge whether a business is the best one being offered you have to consider your location, the market and repeat market for the product as well as its price. Look at the demographics to insure there are enough people that may need the product as well as the level of competition you will have in selling the product. Once you have done all the research and decided on a company and a product, it is your work ethic that will determine if it is the best home business opportunity you can find. Otherwise, they are all pretty much the same.

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Tuesday, 4 December 2007

Unenthusiastic Downline In Your Network Marketing Group?

Network marketers are always on the lookout for qualified candidates to be included in their down lines. After all, while selling a product is most certainly an important aspect of the business known as multi level marketing (MLM), the recruitment and training of qualified new distributors is the other leg that your business success stands on. Yet down line candidates are as varied as the population that supplies them: some are gung-ho and jump right in only to fizz out later, while others seem to flitter hither and about and while they do not sell much, they most certainly attract a lot of other leads which in many ways makes up for their inability to close a sale. Yet perhaps the most challenging, and at the same time most rewarding, group of people to deal with are those that might be categorized as by and large unenthusiastic.

Is an unenthusiastic down line a bane of your network marketing group? Even as everything in your mind may say yes, the reality is actually quite the opposite. Consider the fact that a lack of enthusiasm is not necessarily evidence for inability to excite or lack of commitment but instead focus on the fact that people who are hard to outwardly enthuse about any one thing are by their very nature solid and stable. This imbues their interactions with good natured humor, calm rationale, and an intellectual consideration of facts and figures. Sure, folks with these characteristics may not be bursting at the seams with high fevered enthusiasm or high pitched activity, but instead they are able to appeal to a potential consumer’s need for information, explanation, and background facts.

This actually makes the outwardly unenthusiastic individual a most valuable member of your network marketing group and it is the wise up line participant in any MLM venture that will strategically place them in their down lines. If you are still not entirely convinced that this kind of personality really will do well in a sales environment, consider the fact that face to face sales events and pitches are almost becoming a thing of the past with the online transaction becoming more important than ever. This kind of solid, albeit externally somewhat unexcitable and apparently unenthusiastic, individual is the one worker whom you can rely on to spell check an email before sending it out, perusing a new sales brochure and marking it in parts that appear interesting and in others that might raise questions, and also being the first one to discover, point out, and offer a solution for a flaw in a marketing campaign.

Many a time it is you who will need to overcome a bias when dealing with this member of your network marketing group; perhaps you have a hard time reading the person and finding out if she or he is truly interested in a new promotion or not, and you might even consider this kind of individual as somewhat closemouthed and it probably frustrates you to no end that you need to ask question after question to figure out what the person is thinking. A better approach to dealing with someone like that will be not to bemoan their lack of enthusiasm but instead to deal with her or him on their level by asking succinct questions, and offer very specific ideas. Following this advice will turn a bane to your network marketing group into an asset!

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Monday, 3 December 2007

Introduction To The Christian Marketing Network

Many of those professionals in MLM networks follow a variety of methods in gaining success. One such method of MLM network success is the Christian Marketing Network. Most of those who use this method maintain that the bible holds the key to building wealth. Experts mention that the bible is easier to understand than most people realize. An excellent example of this is in the correlation between the development of Christianity and the building of a successful network marketing business. This article will examine how these two seemly different activities have much in common.

The first part of this correlation is both activities start with a vision of the future. In the early stages of the Christian movement something was set in place that has endured the test of time. A great promise was presented for a better future. The activity of network marketing was decided through the strength of the vision, which also has an effect of the strength of the marketers. The key components for both activities: persistence, courage and success. Any business, especially network marketing, requires persistence to overcome obstacles, and the courage to face rejection and adversity. A grand vision of the future fuels persistence and courage. The Christian Marketing Networker must keep a few things in mind. The vision must already be set into place before gaining prospects to the network. Strategic questioning will lead to the knowledge of the prospect’s own unique vision as well as the whole network. Dreams and visions vary as much as people.

The next thing to keep in mind concerning vision is to have a constant and deliberate sustaining of the vision. The network leader is required to guide the focus of your team. Always begin by setting a grand vision and knowing the vision of network members.

In both activities, the leaders and prospects must become masters of the verbal word or story-telling. Jesus was a master storyteller. The bible is full of historical details that are evidence of this skill. By learning how-to transform sales verbiage into specific targeted stories that will eliminate sales resistance at the same time the networker must capture the mind of the audience. This action will create the sales of a product and/or service. Stories have a powerful effect in this action. Most people like to hear things related to their personal situation. The access to a collection of targeted stories allows the Christian Marketing Networker to customize persuasion according to the prospects wants and needs.

The Christian Marketing Networker needs to know who to spend their time with. Jesus knew the Christian message was powerful, but that it would also not be accepted by everyone. The Christian Marketing Networkers must also have the foresight to see where and with whom their time is best spent. The facts are that many people claim to want a better future. Many people claim to desire financial freedom. The interested people in a product and/or service can be easily found by setting the record straight from the beginning. The Christian Marketing Networker must focus time and efforts on only those people that are truly serious with the time to build a solid team into a prosperous Christian Marketing Network.

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Sunday, 2 December 2007

Internet Marketing As A Work From Home Business

Since use of the internet exploded in the 1990s, internet marketing has expanded to include all types of businesses as well as locations. It enables a local company to market their products and services to a national and international customer base at a exceptionally low cost. Replacing a sales force to contact customers, internet marketing is used by virtually every company that conducts business online and can offer an easy work from home business opportunity.

There are different aspects of internet marketing that a company can explore to find the right avenue for their product or service. In order to be successful working in internet marketing, a person has to understand each of these aspects and determine which one can be done successfully at home. To begin with, an internet sales business has to have a website that is easy for their customers to use while remembering that not everyone they are trying to reach has a broadband connection.

Internet marketing begins with the customer being able to access the website and having an elaborate design that takes several minutes to load into a user’s computer through dial-up service may not hold their interest long enough to get the message. Similar to offline marketing, keeping it simple is the key to reach a wider audience.

Once the website has been properly developed, internet marketing as a home based business can provide the business owner as well as the website owner some unique challenges. For many it is a decision of whether to market to search engines or to the potential customers. Marketing to search engines may help users find the website if they search for specific terms and marketing to the users will narrow down the number of people searching for a specific product or service.

Some believe a smaller, more focused audience is better for business than a casting a wide net and hoping the customers are snagged. Another of the key aspects of internet marketing often overlooked by website owners is market research. Determining which search terms are used most often as they relate to the products or services being marketed can help them achieve better results regardless of the type of marketing being conducted. Building a home based business conducting research for companies can be a lucrative, niche market in the internet marketing business.

Online companies are also looking for ways to increase their name awareness and pay people who can track down web log sites and offer information about their business. While many of these blogs have certain restrictions about what can be posted on their sites, wanting information more than unpaid advertising, a person who can respond to information on the blog in an intelligent manner and only use the website address in their signature, can pay huge dividends for internet marketing professionals.

Looking for companies in need of internet marketing can prove a daunting task but trolling through blogs and article directories can often turn up the names of companies that are in constant need of these services and willing to pay for them.

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Saturday, 1 December 2007

Starting A Home Business Doesn't Have To Be Terrifying

So, you want to start a home business, but after reading all the statistics about the number of home businesses that fail have you frightened about the prospect of failure. It has often been noted that a failure to plan is a plan to fail and when starting a home business, this is especially true. Understanding the product or service, understanding the available market and understanding your own strengths and weaknesses can take some of the fear out of starting your own home business.

Before starting your own home business, you will need to have a thorough understanding of the product or service you will be offering. Consider if it will be a business based out of your home or one that will be conducted in the home. Many professional services are prime opportunities for home businesses, such as accounting, financial planning and billing, with customers and clients visiting your home business or with you traveling to meet with clients.

Other professional services offer at home business opportunities such as transcription services or billing operations, in which information is emailed to the home and the completed work is electronically returned. There is very little personal contact involved and all transactions are performed through the internet. Being able to perform the functions without the need for help and advice from others is the most important aspect of taking some of the fear out of starting your own home business.

Before you sell any product or service, you will need an understanding who your customers will be, as well as how to reach them. Leaving your family and friends out of the equation, you should ask to whom you will make the first sale. This may start as a theory about who will need your product or service, but narrowing it down and putting a name to the first customer will take a lot of the apprehension out of starting your home business.

You should then be able to consider where the following customers will come from and this should be part of information you gathered in determining there is a market for your business. When you start to draw up your list of future customers, as the list grows longer the amount of fear you may be feeling about starting your own business will begin to fade.

Simply stating that “I can do this,” is not the same as identifying your weaknesses and strengths. Before starting a home business you have to objectively assess your abilities and where the lack of any ability will become a liability to the success of your business. Sometimes it hurts, but being brutally honest with yourself can save a lot of aggravation in the future. Recognizing weaknesses can help them be overcome and add to the chance of success.

If one of the strengths you list states you are a ‘people person’ write down what that means. You may surprised that your best efforts are executed when you work alone. Once you have identified your good points and those that need improvement, there should be little terror is starting your own home business.

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Friday, 30 November 2007

Getting Health Insurance When You Run A Business From Home

One of the main concerns of people running their own business out of their home is health insurance. While you may feel healthy enough and choose to ignore it for a while, even a small illness can throw you into financial turmoil in a hurry. Remember, if you are not working, you are not making money and without health insurance you need to cover the doctor, hospital and any prescription costs on your own.

Several communities have a chamber of commerce that has joined with insurance providers to offer health insurance for the small business owner and it may be available for those who are not chamber members. Many states also have health insurance programs open to individual business owners as well and if you have at least one employee, some insurance companies may offer plans for you and that one employee.

When looking for health insurance for your home business, you should also look into liability insurance in the event someone gets hurt on your property. Even close friends may choose to take legal action to recover injury costs and even one small claim can put a serious dent in your finances. Look into business interruption insurance as well, in case a fire or flood closes down your business for several days, removing your ability to earn a living.

Individual health insurance is often costly, but the cost of a serious illness or injury can be even higher. That is not to say you need to spend every penny you make on insurance, but it does mean you have to consider it a necessary business expense. If another family member is employed outside the home and you can be covered under his or her health insurance plan, you may be able to survive the first years of the business. However, if something happens to their employment and you are forced to pay higher premiums for your own coverage, some illnesses may be treated as a pre-existing condition and not covered under a new plan.

There also many prescription plans to cover business owners who have no other health insurance coverage. While these plans seldom cover the total cost of a prescription, every little bit will help while trying to run your home business. If you are young and in reasonably good health, consider a higher deductible to help reduce the monthly premiums. As the business grows and money becomes more available, you can reduce the deductible during the renewal period and still maintain adequate coverage.

One way to find out about many of the plans is to contact other home business owners. Some of them may not have coverage and by banding together it is possible a health insurance company may allow you to form a group and sign up for health insurance coverage under a group plan, offering reduced costs over individual coverage. In short, when you are looking for affordable health insurance coverage for your home based business, ask someone. It may be more available than you think.

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Wednesday, 28 November 2007

Successful Negotiation Is The Power To Global Markets

The old adage “nothing ventured, nothing gained” implies that while one party ventures, another party denies or grants a gain. At the root of this transaction is the power of negotiation. For the online entrepreneur, it is a tried and true statement that a global marketing network thrives on the power of successful negotiation and without that skill set you will find that you will not adequately harness the power of the Internet.

In its simplest form, negotiation is the art of giving up a little of your prerogative to take a big chunk of the same from the person on the other side of the business deal. Think of it as the tool that will get you what you want if utilized properly, yet that will keep you stifled and unable to accomplish anything at all if not honed properly and applied conscientiously thereafter.

To successfully negotiate within a global marketing network, you need to first understand negotiation strategies from the point of view of the person with whom you are dealing. Specifically if the person hails from a different country where cultural differences will impact negotiation skills and methodology, you will need to understand what you are getting into prior to the onset of the negotiation session.

Next, you need to know your absolute bottom line. For example, if you must make at least $100 in a deal in order to just break even, would live easier with $150 because it will allow you to rid yourself of a business debt, but want to really make $175 because it will not only rid you of the debt but also sock away some money for your own salary, then you will be wise to start your negotiation at a higher vantage point, say $225, so that you will be able to give in somewhat. Starting much higher will make you seem unreasonable and the other person will know that you are grossly overstating your figure, while starting too low will not give you a lot of negotiation power that allows you to demand ample concessions from the other side in response to your lowering your price.

Sometimes global marketing network fail because one party is not familiar with the art of negotiation and will try to simply impose their will on the other business person. If you are the aggressor, please note that this approach will fail in the long run – even if it succeeds in the short run – simply because the other business person will not want to come back to the negotiation table with you. Similarly, the only time that an aggressive negotiation technique will pay off for you could be the event of a one time deal where you do not have to foster an amicable atmosphere or generate goodwill that may be advantageous for future global marketing network dealings. Considering the fact that in the network marketing industry this almost never happens, aggressive tactics should not be utilized unless you are extremely confident that you are in the position of ultimate strength with respect to the negotiation.

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Tuesday, 27 November 2007

Functions of Marketing Network Software

When you're managing a distributorship, it can be difficult to keep track of sales, commissions, leads, and more importantly products and the organization as a whole. Certainly you can use manual accounting methods, and many multi-level marketing organizations have packages available, but if you have a decent size network, you will indeed have a great deal of work.

Instead of going through all of the work that is necessary to track your distributorship network, you can use marketing network software that will allow you to take care of everything quickly and easily. You can track sales, commissions, distributorship activity, new distributors, product sales, and much more. Marketing network software will provide the ease of tracking everything you need including taxes without the hassle of having to maintain manual accounting records. You will discover how much faster you can track monthly sales and commissions when you do it with marketing network software.

Anyone who has ever been in multi-level marketing will understand the importance of marketing network software. You have to track new distributors, sales for the network and each distributor individually, bonuses, sales of tools for the network, taxes, and much more. Although the corporation usually provides a 1099, you still have to track your sales for income tax purposes during the year if you make enough to be required to file Quarterly Tax Returns.

Even if you were never involved in a network before the introduction of marketing network software, it's likely that you know someone who was and can tell you how long it took to track all of the pertinent information. With marketing network software, you can enter everything into the computer, and it will calculate it for you. Certainly, you will need to make the initial entries when new distributors come into your direct line of sponsorship, but from there it will be up to the individual sponsors to track the activity of their distributorships.

If you don't have a computer, it's definitely something you should do while your network is still small enough for the initial setup to take minimal time. The more people you have in your distributorship, the more time it will take to enter the names for the first time. It will also be necessary when you first install marketing network software to enter information from at least the last month in order to be able to track commissions and bonuses for that month. How far back you go to transfer manual records to the computer is up to you, but you should go back far enough to have the ability to track current monthly reports--quarterly if possible.

Once you begin using marketing network software, you will see a noticeable difference in the amount of time it takes for you to record weekly sales and commissions along with monthly bonuses. The time you save doing paperwork is time you can spend in recruiting new distributors and working with current distributors that need some additional help getting their distributorship on solid ground.

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Monday, 26 November 2007

Presenting Your Home Network Marketing Opportunity To A Large Audience

Making the presentation of your work from home network marketing opportunity work for a large audience is always a bit of a challenge for the average network marketer. Primed by the business’s nature to focus online on the generation of leads via the Internet, the individual is quite frequently woefully untrained in addressing a room filled with potential leads. The ability to compose compelling emails, draft print ads that will generate a larger than average response, and having an intricate understanding of the advantages a product offers to the user as well as the seller, this same network marketer will not have what it takes to duplicate this kind of success in front of a live audience.

Even as the reasons may vary, making the presentation of your work from home network marketing opportunity work for a large audience starts with a few well defined steps anyone can take.

* Credibility is the determining factor of any presentation both online and off line. While online you can fake the reasons for having credibility attached to you to a certain extent, off line you do not have this luxury. The only way to develop the kind of off line credibility that will make your presentation palatable to a large audience is born from authority, which comes from product and subject matter knowledge combined with personal experience. If you lack credibility and will not be able to develop it within a short period of time, off line presentations should not be the kinds of marketing tools you choose to utilize.

* Making your presentation of a work from home network marketing opportunity work also requires you to understand who your audience is and make that knowledge work for you. Thus, a presentation geared to a room full of stay-at-home moms needs to be composed differently than one that is aimed at a room full of boisterous freshmen college students.

* You must use the industry language without lapsing into jargon. While it is good to use terms like “return on investment,” simply referring to it as the ROI without any further explanation will deter you from tailoring your online presentation to an offline face to face opportunity.

* Last but not least, making the presentation of your work from home network marketing opportunity work for a large audience requires a show of confidence. Confidence, just like credibility, is something that must come from within but unlike credibility, it is not achievable with book knowledge. Instead, it is closely related to your comfort level. Granted, most anyone will be uncomfortable speaking in front of a large group, but this anxiety can be overcome by a person who is at home with the subject matter. A mistake made by many a fledgling network marketer is the scheduling of off line presentations too early on in their career as a marketer, usually before they have made some mistakes, learned from them, moved on, and became more confident in the field as a result of that very mistake made or obstacle overcome.

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Sunday, 25 November 2007

Your Rocketing Business

After all the hard work, planning, headaches and late hours, your business is finally a success. Unfortunately, you can’t rest on your laurels. Now is the time to reach new customers and new markets. The next move is to select an expansion method. There are several strategies to choose from and we will explore them in this article.

Introducing a new product is an excellent way to expand your business. The trick to this is to select a product that doesn’t distract customers or makes older products seem obsolete. Selecting a product that compliments, your current product works well to your advantage. A product that has no connection to what you are currently selling is extremely dangerous. You can also use your existing customer base to get a reaction to a potential new product.

Another expansion idea is to license your product. This shifts the financial risk from the product’s registrar to a company. The burden of marketing, advertising, production and distribution is shifted to the company. The profits also shift but it is a good price to pay for a chance at national recognition. Before you shop for a licensee, make sure you patent your product. A good licensing partner should have an established reputation for quality, service and an aggressive plan for marketing.

If your business has expanded so much that you can’t keep up, it is time for launching a chain. In doing this you need to know what makes the original store work and what won’t easily transfer to a new site. When considering the option, you need to define your operating procedures to the last detail. Sharing staff between your locations will help the company’s culture in the new location. You should also develop a training program for new employees.

Franchising your business will allow you to set back and collect fees and royalties. Franchising is an efficient way to expand brand awareness while pooling financial resources, business acumen and power buying. You have to make sure there is a market for your products. You can do this with competitive analysis and plenty of capitalization. It is advisable to keep in contact with your franchises. This can be done with store visits or a company wide intranet system.

A merger can also be a good way to expand your customer base, capital and operational efficiencies. You do have to find the right partner however. The two of you need to have similar business practices, ideas and dreams. This will only work if both businesses are established companies.

By going global with your company you can reach a growing market, rising consumer spending and an improved business climate. Cultural differences are about the only drawback to this expansion idea. Online access helps global businesses with time zone problems. An up to date website is a definite requirement, however, with this type of expansion.

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Saturday, 24 November 2007

Working From Home Still Means Work

Many people confuse the concept of working from home with staying at home and doing nothing all day. The opportunities available are called work at home businesses because they require work. It may not be as tedious or as mundane as some other jobs you have had in the past, but when you work at home, generally if you do not work, there will be no pay.

It requires a high level of self-motivation to get up and go to work, especially when there is no one holding you accountable for getting to the job on time and getting your work done when you say it will be done. Self-discipline has to be an extremely high level and if you cannot convince yourself of the need to work on a daily basis, working at home may not be the best option for you.

Many, many individuals who find themselves out of work, start looking into job opportunities for which they can stay at home and still make money. Many of them have no business even considering their own business, especially if they have trouble getting to work on time, or a history of leaving early. There are many online resources that offer minimal work for maximum pay, but rarely do these opportunities exist in anything other than the online advertisements seeking donations to someone else’s vacation funds.

Before considering a work at home business, you need to take an objective look at your work history and work ethic. Even without a large amount of experience and knowledge of the internet or internet businesses, people with the discipline to work on their own with no supervision, can thrive with an online business. Those who went to a job and were told what to do and when to do it, may not be the best type to attempt making a living at home.

A person working at home has the same responsibilities of paying the bills and putting food on the table and for some that can be a good motivator. For others it is simply an inconvenience, especially if another family member is bringing in a steady paycheck. If they choose to watch a movie or leave the house for a few extra hours, their pay will suffer if they do not produce. Additionally, their reputation among online clients will also suffer and they may soon find a need to return to the traditional workforce.

Those who see working at home as an opportunity to sit around and do very little all day, should consider working for someone else. On the other hand, a person who has a job but has need for little supervision and can make all their own decisions in regards to the company with which they work, may be a good candidate for owning their own at home business.

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Friday, 23 November 2007

Word Of Mouth Advertising: Don't Turn It Against You

It’s long been known that there is no more powerful form of advertising than word of mouth. When people hear about a product or service or business from someone not paid to tell them about it, it means much more than anything you could possibly buy. But while word of mouth advertising is always happening, is it working for your company or against it? Here are some things you can do to make sure word of mouth doesn’t wind up being your worst enemy.

The sad truth about people in general is that when people have a good experience with a business (or person, for that matter), they usually keep it to themselves. Unless the service is so over the top extraordinary that they simply need to tell others (or they just happen to be the type of people that like to share good news–a rare breed indeed), no one will ever hear from them about their experience. On the other hand, if someone is wronged by a company, they will climb Mt. Everest to make sure as many people as possible hear about it. If you don’t believe this, go to any message board or consumer reporting website and read feedback on companies and products. You’ll come away thinking that you should never buy from anyone at any time. Of course, this isn’t true, and you may think to yourself that you provide good service. Of course you do. Still, that’s not enough. As illustrated, just one bad experience can make the rounds far more quickly than a hundred good experiences. You have to make sure you have enough positive stories circulating to counteract the bad ones.

The best, most productive word of mouth is many times generated purposely, and comes about through hard work and direction, rather than through hope and happenstance. You can generate the direction and style of word of mouth advertising by enlisting the help of your friends and family members. It’s not unethical, nor is it uncommon. The best businesses do just that. Particularly in today’s internet age, and the advent of the viral marketing era, more and more seemingly grassroots movements have their origins at the company itself. How do you get it started?

Have your husband or wife tell her group of friends about your business. You don’t need anyone to be deceptive, or “hide” their relationship to you. In fact, so much the better if they don’t. Friends naturally want to help friends. When someone happens to ask a friend of your spouse where they get their dry cleaning done, they’ll happily mention your business, even if they themselves have never spent a dime there.

Word of mouth advertising is as powerful a tool as you can use in the marketing realm. But it is just that: a tool. Don’t make the mistake of looking at it like some mystical force you have no control over. If you want to take the reigns and guide the direction of your business, you need to have control over every aspect of your marketing. That includes word of mouth advertising. To do anything less, to let fate decide your company’s destiny, would be irresponsible.

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Thursday, 22 November 2007

Why Your Business Needs An Accountant

It may seem like a cost that can be avoided, but when you own a business, you need an accountant to handle your financial affairs. That doesn't mean you pay your accountant to do your daily accounting work, but you need someone there on a regular basis to make sure your books are in order and to help you prepare periodic financial statements. Though you may feel that you can handle those kinds of things within the company, you are playing a fool's game to do that. Without the help of an accountant, you don't know if you're following current accounting laws or whether you should be doing things another way. Tax laws change every year, so unless you keep up to date, you don't know what the current laws are. Unless you are an accountant or tax advisor, there is no need for you to know the current laws. Although you may file your own personal taxes, you should never attempt to file the taxes for your business unless you have a degree in tax law.

Other reasons you may need an accountant is to assist you with accounting functions in which you lack knowledge. For example, if you're new to business ownership, you may not know how to account for inventory that you have to return to the supplier for recalls or expiration dates. Maybe you don't quite understand how to depreciate equipment for your business. There are many numbers of reasons why you may require the services of an accountant for your business. An accountant can also provide a budget analysis, future income projections, preparing financial statements, reconciling your bank account, and much more. In fact, it is sound financial advice for someone besides you or your bookkeeper to review the books for accuracy. This ensures that everything is entered correctly and there are no questionable entries.

Having an accountant on the books on a regular basis is something that you don't want to overlook. Even if you have a staff accountant, having someone on the outside that is not directly connected to the company is a good choice. This is especially important when you first open your business because you need someone to help you set up an accounting system and make sure that you understand how to follow through with it. Once everything is in place, and you know how to keep track of everything, you can use your accountant for financial advice and to balance your books on a monthly or bi-monthly basis. Don't make the mistake of thinking you can do everything without an accountant or you will find your business in the red quickly. Some financial decisions require the expertise of an accounting professional outside of your company.

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Tuesday, 20 November 2007

When Family And Friends Do Not Take Your Home Business Seriously

If you are working from home, then you know that trading in the cubicle or closet sized office space for your spare bedroom or garage is a blessing. No lengthy commute, bad coffee, endless meetings to attend, and snotty coworkers whose ineffectual work ethic and incompetence have been the bane of your corporate existence; furthermore, no longer are you at the beck and call of a boss who seems to have great ideas and rush deadlines 15 minutes before quitting time. Yet even though you are happy and making a decent living with your home based business, you have found that the one fly in the ointment is the reaction of your friends and even family who at times do not take your business serious, or may actually deride it in some way.

How often do you have to field phone calls from friends or family members who need a last minute babysitter during the week, essentially communicating to you that while they are off earning a living, you are at home, living a life of leisure. How often has your spouse asked you to take Fluffy to the vet, pick up the dry cleaning, and take junior to volleyball practice while she or he is attending a seminar and has a tee time scheduled with the boss immediately afterwards? Does your best girlfriend pick your crunch times to call you for relationship advice and to cry on your shoulder when Mr. Wonderful turned out not to be so wonderful after all? If any of these scenarios sound familiar, then the odds are good that there is a lack of respect for your work somewhere in your circle of friends and family. Yet have you been at the center of your friends’ and family’s inability to give your business its due?

For example, when you speak of your business, do you discuss it with pride, or do you permit embarrassment and false modesty to make it sound like a half fast effort you are running in between watching daytime soaps? Conversely, do you speak of your business with a pride of ownership and a firm sense of accomplishment?

Do you keep business hours during which you let the answering machine get your calls or do you permit yourself to be at anyone’s beck and call throughout the day? If you must answer the phone or if you are caught off guard by a parent with kids in tow who is hoping you won’t say no to a babysitting assignment when the child is right there, do you find it impossible to politely but firmly refuse? While this scenario is a tough one, remember that the parent is intruding on you, not on any of her or his otherwise employed friends or family members. By way of making a concession, offer to take your lunch early, like in the next 30 minutes, to enable the parent to use your home phone to set up other babysitting arrangements while you entertain junior. Inform your friend that once the 30 minutes are up, you will once again need to work and thus will not be able to spend any more time with the child. This usually gets the message across. Remember that your business will only be taken as serious as you will take it!

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opportunities so you can work at home visit:

Monday, 19 November 2007

Essentials Required For Your Home Business

Starting your home business is an exciting new venture that millions of people now share in. You want to join them and are anxious, but there are certain things that are needed before you do so.

Be sure that you have a market for your product or services. Be sure to do your research and see if there are people out there that are willing to pay for what it is that you have to offer. Even verbal research would do the trick. Ask around the people that you know, say 40 or 50 of them, to see if your product is something that they would want or need and be willing to pay for.

Having a separate space for your office is not an absolutely needed thing, but it sure would be beneficial. You need an area that is put aside just for your work space and can be closed off from the rest of the house, even if only by a partition or divider.

A comfortable workspace to go to with your PC or laptop is helpful as well. If you spend hours at a time sitting at your computer, you may want to invest in a comfortable chair and a mouse that won’t stress out your wrist.

A separate phone line, maybe even two, and a good modem are musts for your home business. Customers are apt to respond better to the phone being answered professionally by you or a businesslike voicemail than to the kids answering the phone while yelling at each other and the dog going crazy in the background. The reason for the second extra phone line is simple; so that you have a separate line for online access. If at all possible, be sure that you have a high speed DSL or cable modem.

A separate bank account is not required by law for tax purposes but it would be a lot easier to deal with if you did not mix your personal money with your business money.

You need to be sure to contact your local government to find out if you need a business license and as this will vary by jurisdiction. You must contact the IRS to get a tax ID number as this is a must.

You will want business cards, stationary with your business name and logo (if you have one) and even a fax machine. Although fax machines seem to be becoming obsolete, you still need some sort of fax capability. There is also software available that will enable you to send faxes via your computer.

Obviously there are some things I may have left out that you need, just be sure that if you plan to or think you will need something in particular, that you take care of getting what you need in advance. This will save you time and possibly the loss of a potential customer or two for not being prepared.

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Sunday, 18 November 2007

Web Search "Clean Up" - Maintaining A Positive Image Or Deceiving The Public?

One recent issue that has emerged regarding online business practice is that of web search ”clean up”, whereby several Internet business that have accumulated either negative or questionable reviews over service, product quality, and outsource third-party services that specialize in eliminating any and all information that would make a particular company look bad. This practice, of course, has become a major controversy concerning ethics, and understandably so.

The argument is that such action merely serves to promote a positive image for the businesses in question. Persistent entrepreneurs go out of their way to make themselves appear squeaky-clean. This image, in their perspectives, ensures greater success because it continuously draws in high-level traffic. Traffic means better business, which in turn inspires confidence from shoppers who yearn for variety in merchandise and services. A company’s positive image can work for both the business and the shopper.

On the other hand, a concerned public, supported by various consumer agencies, claims that the motives behind the “cleaning up” process to be suspect. Such business practices suspiciously appear to cover up negative but crucial input that prospective customers need to know when evaluating a business. Such evaluations rely on the full disclosure of honest and truthful information—information that consumers have a right to know—and eliminating that information from public access does shoppers a disservice.

This is where the subject of ethics comes into play, not to mention legality.

Is eliminating such information deceptive or misrepresent businesses? Does such a practice benefit or hinder consumer research? Is it even legal?

The debate is still in progress, but several consumer protection agencies criticize the practice and have stepped into to stop businesses from conducting themselves from doing this. No legal stipulations seem to exist to restrict the practice, however, so no action can prevent such practices from flourishing. Proposals for legislation need to be passed in order to establish regulatory laws. The problem is that, since the Internet is not indigenous to any particular region, online businesses are not bound or subject to the laws of any legal system. Because no laws exist to define a state of illegality, businesses that conduct themselves in this way do not have an ethical dilemma. It’s as if ethics and law (or lack of it) are intertwined.

Whatever the case may be, the controversy rages on. In a consumer world—one that has created and caters to business needs—the problem is mute, since the practice in question is not likely to deter shoppers from calling on the services of or buying merchandise from companies, regardless of whether those companies are covering up missteps or operating on a completely open basis with the public. Big businesses likely know about and rely on this tendency, which is one reason they behave the way they do.

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Saturday, 17 November 2007

Web-Based Business Requires Extra Attention

For many people, making money from the comfort of their home with a web-based business sounds like an ideal opportunity. However, they may also have the misconception that, like the field of dreams, if they build it, they will come. Building a web based business can be similar to placing a business in an unmarked building. Without advertising and strategically placed billboards or other forms of advertising, no one will know the business even exists.

Building a business takes time and relying strictly on word of mouth can take years before the business becomes noticed, especially in the saturated internet market. There are steps you can take to make your site stand out from the rest of the thousands of others on the internet, but most often a marketing plan is not a one-shot deal. It will take time and effort to raise your site into the vision of those surfing the internet for your products or services.

While domain names can be cute or even reflect the actual name of your business, if someone is looking for tires, for instance, they are going to enter the word tires into a search engine. They are not going to enter the name “Joes Treading Lightly” or “Bobs Auto Store.” Even having the word tires in the name of your web-based business may not be attractive to search engines. Most business are going to be the best at what they do, and few others will have the knowledge about the business that the owner possesses.

If the business owner is writing all the copy for the site, they may end up providing more information than the potential customers are looking for and end up pushing their site lower onto the search engines index pages. There has been a standard approach to business marketing used for years, know as the KISS method of marketing. Keep It Simple Stupid may sound overly easy, but it is true. Too much information can confuse customers as well as search engines, leaving your site along the least travelled road.

Building a web-based business will require time and effort and keeping it updated with fresh material will please both your customers and the search engines. Do not make the mistake about who, or what will be attracted to your web-based business. Too many people focus on making their site more attractive to the search engines and forget about where the sales are going to come from. There are rarely any incidents in which a search engine made a purchase from a web site.

Look at your site like a customer and do whatever it takes to make it user friendly. If a customer can find the information they are looking and the pages are easily navigated it will improve their experience at your internet store and well as improve your sales.

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