When you're managing a distributorship, it can be difficult to keep track of sales, commissions, leads, and more importantly products and the organization as a whole. Certainly you can use manual accounting methods, and many multi-level marketing organizations have packages available, but if you have a decent size network, you will indeed have a great deal of work.
Instead of going through all of the work that is necessary to track your distributorship network, you can use marketing network software that will allow you to take care of everything quickly and easily. You can track sales, commissions, distributorship activity, new distributors, product sales, and much more. Marketing network software will provide the ease of tracking everything you need including taxes without the hassle of having to maintain manual accounting records. You will discover how much faster you can track monthly sales and commissions when you do it with marketing network software.
Anyone who has ever been in multi-level marketing will understand the importance of marketing network software. You have to track new distributors, sales for the network and each distributor individually, bonuses, sales of tools for the network, taxes, and much more. Although the corporation usually provides a 1099, you still have to track your sales for income tax purposes during the year if you make enough to be required to file Quarterly Tax Returns.
Even if you were never involved in a network before the introduction of marketing network software, it's likely that you know someone who was and can tell you how long it took to track all of the pertinent information. With marketing network software, you can enter everything into the computer, and it will calculate it for you. Certainly, you will need to make the initial entries when new distributors come into your direct line of sponsorship, but from there it will be up to the individual sponsors to track the activity of their distributorships.
If you don't have a computer, it's definitely something you should do while your network is still small enough for the initial setup to take minimal time. The more people you have in your distributorship, the more time it will take to enter the names for the first time. It will also be necessary when you first install marketing network software to enter information from at least the last month in order to be able to track commissions and bonuses for that month. How far back you go to transfer manual records to the computer is up to you, but you should go back far enough to have the ability to track current monthly reports--quarterly if possible.
Once you begin using marketing network software, you will see a noticeable difference in the amount of time it takes for you to record weekly sales and commissions along with monthly bonuses. The time you save doing paperwork is time you can spend in recruiting new distributors and working with current distributors that need some additional help getting their distributorship on solid ground.
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