Wednesday, 23 January 2008

Maintaining Focus And Business Drive

Maintaining Focus And Business Drive

Starting a new business, whether online or bricks and mortar, the freshness of the experience makes every day exciting and new. You are learning and putting new skills to work. All of this is what provides drive and focus for pursuing your business goals. When your business has been running for a longer period of time, it becomes the daily grind. You get up, go to work, do everything that needs to be done and you go home. It can often begin to feel monotonous. So how do you keep your main focus and drive throughout your business?

It does not just appear, you don’t suddenly awake one morning feeling brand spanking new. It takes work to keep your business fresh, just like a relationship. After you have been married ten or more years you begin to believe that you know each other inside and out. You often get into a rut with the same old routines. You have to add or change things to freshen or liven’ it up. Give yourself things throughout the week that help keep work life interesting. Give yourself a wacky dress day. Tell yourself your going to wear your PJ’s every Thursday, whether you are in the house for the day or meeting with clients. It will give you a laugh to check the mail in your pyjamas, unless you already do so! Treat yourself once a week with a special work breakfast. Have a Danish and a flavoured coffee. These may sound silly or unhelpful, but in fact even the smallest events to look forward to can keep you motivated.

If you consider larger business firms, this is how they often help refresh their employees. They provide donuts and coffee or special event days, potlucks and so on. It is a way to say we want you to feel appreciated and enjoy. You may be a solo home business entrepreneur but you could still benefit from special treatment. There is a call centre located in Lexington, Kentucky who had service bells placed near each employee. If a call was successful the employee would ring the bell and the other employees would clap or cheer for the representative. Customers could often hear the cheering and become curious asking what the noise was. The representatives would tell the clients it’s a motivational tool and so on, the clients would often reply “what a fun place to work”. Little things can keep you enjoying your business.

If this seems too unprofessional for your own preference, you can keep it more business-like and review your business plan. Rereading your original plans for your business can bring a smile to your face to see how far you have come or what goals you may have forgotten about. You can also create a power luncheon once a month, where you get together with other local entrepreneurs to speak about keeping your business fresh. Feeding off each other’s enthusiasm can make work life feel revived without the sleep attire or bell ringing. Brainstorm what you enjoy and you’ll find that it takes only a few simple changes or additions to your day to freshen your business for certain job longevity.

About the Author:
To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:

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