Monday, 5 November 2007

Looking At The Benefits Of Work

Working is an all but unqualified necessity to living as an adult in America–or any other country–today. To make a living, to pay the rent or the mortgage or the raise children, one must have a job. In a way, one’s entire life is geared toward preparing one for that job. School, college, extra curricular activities. All of these have and are designed to have some influence in helping the individual choose what job they will get once they become an adult and are out on their own. But too many people, perhaps, view work as the means to an end.

The majority of Americans spend more time at the workplace than with their families, yet this doesn’t change that perception. That all of those hours spent in an office, or out in the field selling, or in a classroom teaching, are only there because of the paycheque at the end of the week. To live a happy and fulfilling life, it is necessary to change that perception. To view work as more than just a way to make money. Work has its own rewards, in and of itself. Remembering this, in an era where work takes up so much of our lives, is important. Here are some of the benefits.

There is an inherent discipline instilled in us with the presence of work in our lives. Work demands a commitment. It demands a schedule. It demands a certain amount of structure. Take a look at anyone you might know who is unemployed. Look at their way of life. It may seem desirable to have all of the hours of the day to do whatever you want with them, but it can be more of a burden than a fulltime job. It leads to a breakdown of those qualities that make us human beings. Without goals and deadlines and tasks to accomplish, a man (or woman) is no longer meaningful to society. They offer nothing. And it won’t be long before that person knows it.

Work leads to growth as a human being. While it’s not the only facet of our lives that can foster such growth, it may be the most important one. If one is challenged on a daily basis by the rigors of work, they are forced to change and grow to meet those challenges. Whether they are manifested in the acquisition of new customers or the learning of a new computer system, or even teaching the mechanics of a foreign automobile to someone new on the job, these tasks make us better. Without them, we grow stagnant.

As a whole, work improves us. It makes us better. Conquering new challenges can lead the way to promotions and more money, but that is again treating work as a means to an end. There is personal satisfaction in these challenges, apart from the rewards at the end of the day. Those that choose to view work in this way will be happier in the long run. A popular t-shirt slogan says that he who dies with the most toys wins. You may or may not subscribe to that philosophy, but what does it say of all the time before your death? Shouldn’t you enjoy the race?

About the Author:
To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:

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